Andy Shauf Shares Dreamy New Single ‘Catch Your Eye’

Watch the animated video for the latest Norm preview.

By Nate Todd Dec 13, 2022 12:20 pm PST

Andy Shauf shared a new single, “Catch Your Eye,” along with an animated music video. The track is set to land on the Canadian singer-songwriter’s upcoming album, Norm, due out on February 10, 2023, via ANTI- Records.

Norm follows a pair of singles Shauf released earlier this year as well as his 2021 album Wilds and 2020’s The Neon Skyline. A fortuitous computer crash while watching a David Lynch film led to the Norm concept. A press release detailed the moment of inspiration for the album:

What appeared to be a nearly static camera shot of a key on a table continued uninterrupted for two minutes, then five minutes, then seven. It seemed impossible in its relentlessness, bordering on genius. Eventually, Shauf realized his browser had crashed and the movie had frozen. Enchanted by the sense of possibility and wonder that had made the film so vivid to him during that period of incomprehension, he wanted to create something similar. He deliberately left open spaces through which readers could enter to find the story and create meaning for themselves.

Shauf previously previewed Norm with the single/video “Wasted On You” and now follows with a visual for “Catch Your Eye,” animated by Mary Vertulfo. Watch below:


Andy Shauf already has an extensive itinerary mapped out for 2023. Check it out below plus ticket info:

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